

Nutrition Bundle incl. personalised meal plan, 3 consultations and 1000 vitality points

Members: R2450

Non-Members: R3070

The BODYTEC Nutrition Bundle includes a 45-minute initial consultation with a registered dietitian, a personalised meal plan, and a 30-minute meal plan consultation as well as a 15-minute follow-up consultation.

All consultations are available in person at a Nutritional Solutions branch or online. Vitality members can earn 1000 points. You will be contacted by one of the registered dietitians of Nutritional Solutions after placing your order.

  • The initial consultation with a registered dietitian at Nutritional Solutions will be 45 minutes. To tailor specific nutrition recommendations to meet the BODYTEC member’s health & wellness goals, the initial consultation with the dietitian will consist of a detailed and comprehensive assessment of the diet and medical history, as well as measurements of weight, height, and waist. If consulting in person, the dietitian will also conduct a body composition analysis using the InBody, a body composition machine. The member will be asked to complete a pre-assessment form and food record in preparation for this consultation


  • Scheduled 2 – 3 days after the initial consultation, the 30-minute meal plan consultation includes the dietitian presenting the BODYTEC Member with a personalised and sustainable eating plan to suit their lifestyle, along with relevant recipes, grocery lists, and nutrition-related information sheets.


  • Research has shown that monitoring and accountability are key to successful lifestyle changes. In the 15-minute follow-up session, the dietitian will help overcome barriers and continue to educate the member on nutrition. Any additional follow-ups will be member-dependent and can be discussed with your dietitian.
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