
Treating urinary incontinence with EMS

EMS Research on incontinence

Based on research conducted by BOECKH-BEHRENS W.-U./SCHÄFFER, G., unpublished thesis, University of Bayreuth, 2002.


The study aimed to assess the effects of EMS training on urinary incontinence.


17 people with an average age of 47 were tested (15 female, 2 male) as they suffered from a mild or medium level of urinary incontinence.

Participants trained for 45 minutes, 2x per week for a total of 10 sessions. They began with a 10 to 15-minute-long familiarisation phase to adjust for the individual’s pulse intensity, followed by a 25-minute long training session, during which different static exercise positions were taken up by the participants. There was a five-minute-long relaxation period at the end of the training session.


23% of the test persons were free of symptoms, 24% noticed a lessening of their discomfort and 36% of the participants felt no change in condition. These results are on par with the success rate reached by special localised electrical muscle stimulation therapies (compare Eriksen 1987, Sebastio 2000, Salinas Casado 1990, Meyer 2001).


Full body EMS training is an effective training that achieves therapeutic effects for the relief of discomforts caused by incontinence. It is also a preventive training that builds muscles, enhances body physique, improves mood, and increases vitality, body stability and overall performance.

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