‘February 25th, 2011: I was involved in a scooter/motor car accident. Unfortunately, I was on the scooter. My injuries were minor, except for a compression fracture of vertebra T12. This resulted in 6 weeks flat on my back with the resulting demise of any firmness that had been there. Until then if I applied myself to any exercise, it would have been running.
Following my recovery, running, and even excessive walking was very painful. Whether by chance (which I don’t subscribe to), I found myself outside BODYTEC, early for a meeting and saw their advert. Following my meeting, I skeptically trained a free session. The following day I was convinced!
I was truly out of shape and signed up for one year. I can truly feel the difference in my core support, chest arms, and legs. And I still feel the effects of each visit, which is not only encouraging but evidence of a good workout. I can see the difference in the toning of my body.
I LOVE the 20-min a week in a great environment, wonderful trainers and best showers and coffee….. A Convert here!!’
Graham is the owner of a guesthouse and trains at BODYTEC City Bowl
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