“I started my BODYTEC journey about 2 weeks ago, after being referred by a friend, and would recommend it to anyone. I was hesitant at first, not knowing exactly what I was in for, but I was soon put at ease by the trainer, Enver and his team.
The process may be foreign to most, but the attraction is that you get a very efficient workout, accurately targetting muscle groups, and is not time-consuming – the session takes only 20 minutes, and you don’t leave exhausted. One to two days later you feel the type of muscle stiffness associated with a long hard gym session. You work at your own pace with hands-on supervision.
BODYTEC is great for the casual participant or the more serious gym-goer. It’s also great that you can specifically target muscles at your own request. Highly recommended!!”
Chris trains at BODYTEC Lonehill.
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