
How to Transition To Outdoor Exercising This Spring

Spring is here, despite the cold weather South Africa is still experiencing, and with that comes a whole new ball game when it comes to exercise.

Spring, and then summer, always means more time outdoors, with many athletes and fitness lovers itching to get outside to run, cycle or train.

Even if you’ve continued your training throughout winter, keep reading because there may be a few things you need to remember as the weather changes.

1)      Take Your Time

If you’ve opted for indoor training during winter or skipped your usual runs altogether, it’s important to return to your training slowly. It may be tempting to simply head outside and go for a run, but this could easily result in an injury, which would simply put you out for longer. Begin with run/walk intervals and don’t forget to slot in your rest and recovery days.

2)      Adjust to the Outdoors

If you’ve changed up your routine and opted for the treadmill or exercise classes, bear in mind that you need time to adjust to the outdoors. The pavement or concrete is not as forgiving as the treadmill, especially if you’re an avid trail runner. Take time to allow your body, muscles and ankles to get used to the change in terrain.

3)      Dress Appropriately

Just as we had to up our athleisure gear when transitioning to exercising in winter, so do we now have to adapt our gear again. Spring is tricky because it may feel cold when you start, but then warm up later. A good idea is to wear layers that you peel off or opt for arm sleeves that can easily be slipped off or down for a sweat band.

4)      Shake Things Up

Make sure you include cross-training workouts, like BODYTEC EMS training, to offer your body some balance, and to prevent injury. Plan ahead and check the weather so that you can get a run or cycle on the nice days, and get your 20-minute BODYTEC workout on the cooler days.

5)      Allergies

Unfortunately, South Africa’s spring season is notorious for severe allergies, so it’s probably a good idea to speak to your doctor about how you can combat your allergies before they get serious. It’s also a good idea to take an antihistamine before a run and to wear sunglasses and a cap in order to try and prevent as much pollen from getting into your face and eyes as possible.


Spring may seem like it’s still fairly cold and wintery in South Africa, but the sun is incredibly harsh so stocking up on sunscreen in spring already is definitely a good idea. Even on a pretty overcast day you can still burn quite badly, so make sure the skin that’s exposed to the sun is well-protected.

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