
How to avoid muscle cramps

Nothing screams Debbie-downer like a muscle cramp during a great workout.

They’re not only painful but the sting of a muscle cramp can often lead gym-goers to throw in the towel and give up on their fitness goals. That won’t happen to you if we can help it.

Here are some tried and tested ways to avoid muscle cramps:

Stay hydrated

It seems so simple, but people often don’t drink enough water. According to Mayo Clinic, our muscle cells must be kept hydrated in order to contract and relax. We should continue drinking water before, during, and after any physical activity since we lose fluid during perspiration.


Stretching before a workout prepares your body for any strenuous activity. Avoiding your stretches can result in overwhelming soreness and sometimes cramps. Here are 6 stretches we recommend doing before and after training.

Eat the right foods

The more equipped your body is to carry out physical activity, the less likely you are to experience cramps and soreness. Eating potassium and magnesium-rich foods will fuel your body with enzymes that promote flexibility and muscle repair. Take a look at which foods we recommend for boosting muscle recovery, here and here.

Try applying each of the tips above in conjunction to avoid experiencing muscle cramps for good.

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