Did you know that working out in the morning will help boost your metabolism and result in your body burning calories faster?
If that’s not enough reason to get an early start to the day, you’ll find yourself less distracted and more accomplished at crossing tasks off your list, the earlier you wake up in the morning.
According to Humanitas University, a morning workout also helps your body release endorphins which will elevate your mood and assist you in kicking off the day on a positive note. This could lead to better relationship building, increased brain power when it comes to the efficiency of your work, as well as better decision-making.
While factors like your environment, sleep pattern, and the seasons (like autumn and winter) can make waking up early seem like a Herculean task, here are some ways to help you improve the quality of your life by developing a good morning routine:
Strive to wake up at the same time every day
Waking up early is not a superpower that only some people have, it’s a habit developed with consistency. Plan your wakeup time with an alarm – giving yourself adequate time to sleep and consistently waking up at the same time every day. Soon you won’t need the alarm and your body will wake you up automatically.
Start your day with a workout
Studies show that willpower depletes throughout the day but is strongest in the morning. With this in mind, it’s best to complete your toughest tasks like workouts at the start of the day because as your willpower depletes, you’ll be reluctant to do the tasks that require the most effort.
Allow yourself to fall asleep naturally
Ironically, when you have important matters to attend to and need to sleep early the night before, it can be exceptionally difficult to fall asleep to get enough rest. Getting into bed early could result in your mind wandering for hours about what time you should be waking up. Allow yourself to fall asleep naturally by reading a book or avoiding any device used in order to unwind at night.
Opt for a protein-rich breakfast
A protein-rich breakfast will support your body’s functions and awareness, while a high-carb breakfast could lead you to feel sleepy.
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