
Happy sites to reduce stress

Fear and uncertainly of the effects of the virus, not only on our health but our livelihoods has created a stream of negativity to flow onto our newsfeeds and social media timelines. But in order to move past this – and we will – we have to plan for what happens next, the steps that we will take to ensure that we are mentally prepared for life after lockdown, as well as encourage others to do the same.

In his book, The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle writes that any action is better than no action, especially if you have been stuck in an unhappy situation for a long time. “If it is a mistake, at least you learn something, in which case, it’s no longer a mistake but if you remain stuck, you learn nothing.” During this time, it’s important that we do something, anything harmless to lift our spirits.

Here is our top list of websites for good vibes during your social distancing period:


For a limited period, Broadway is giving all music lovers a chance to enjoy a 7-day free trial of all theatre performances.


Virtual Museum Visit

Take a free tour of The Louvre in Paris, The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, The Gallery of Uffizi in Italy, or The Guggenheim Museum in New York as more than 10 famous museums across the globe are offering free virtual tours during the global social-distancing period.


Audible for Kids

The quality time during quarantine could conjure the most beautiful childhood memories for your kids. Since they can’t go to school, audible is temporarily offering free access to audiobooks with content ranging from preschool to classic literature in several languages. The portal is ad-free and doesn’t require registering or downloading the audible app to use the kids’ library.


Kind World

If you need a reminder of the beauty of humanity, this moving podcast website, filled with stories about random acts of kindness, will make you smile if not to put you in a good mood.  



Some of the world’s leading experts have taken the stage to host TED presentations. Watch free live or recorded conversations on how to improve your work, self-esteem, productivity and more.


My 90’s TV

Take a trip down memory lane, watching all your favourite movies, soapies, commercials, sports and cartoons from the 90s.


Real Simple

In true, Real Simple fashion, the writers have already put together a library of tips to help you reduce stress related to coronavirus. Subscribe to this website for daily motivation and to gain a positive approach to life.


1000 Awesome Things

New York Times best-selling author, Neil Pasricha, started 1000 awesome things 10 years ago after his best friend committed suicide and his marriage fell apart. The plan was to document one awesome thing per day as a therapeutic outlet, which resulted in his website receiving the award for the best blog in the world, two years in a row.


Post Secret

If you have something heavy weighing on your heart, here is the place to anonymously share it. You can also read about secrets that other people have shared, which brings one to the realization that you are not the only one feeling this way.


Zen Habits

When you feel as though your mind is cluttered with too many thoughts, browsing through the pages of Zen Habits can help you reconnect to what matters most. This website focuses on mindfulness and how to find peace in the chaos.


Tiny Buddha

With a community of over 5 million users, Tiny Buddha publishes simple wisdom for people dealing with complicated matters. From gratitude journals, 30-day challenges, and adult colouring books, this website could be your me-time go-to.


100 000 Stars

What better way to pass the time than to gaze at 100 000 stars? Once you land onto the home page, you’re invited to a virtual tour of the galaxy and can pause to learn more about the stars being displayed to you.


Blah Therapy

Social distancing can get lonely so when you feel as if you have no one to talk to or just need to vent, Blah Therapy affords you access to private counselling with licensed therapists, online.


Do Nothing for 2 minutes

You may laugh at yourself the first time you try this but Do Nothing for 2 Minutes is a great place to take a quick break during your workday. The website will instruct you to relax and listen to the waves without touching the mouse or keyboard for two minutes – just two minutes. You’d be surprised at how difficult of a task that is for some people.


Share this blog post with someone who could do with some positivity during this time

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