
Fitness Tips for 2019

The new year is here with many people choosing to adopt a healthier lifestyle with the start of a new year.

Whilst the intention is there, the trick to being consistent is to implement changes that are relatively easy to implement and aren’t too off your normal routine or lifestyle.

The more deviated from who you normally are, the harder these changes can be to implement and stick to them. We’ve got some great practical tips that can help you be healthier in 2019 and are easier to keep going throughout the year.

1)      Have a goal

Having a goal gives you an idea of where you’re going and means you know what is required of you in order to get there. Your goal has to be clear and realistic. If you need help setting a goal, use the SMART principle.






2)      Accountability

Partnering up with someone you know and trust will help you stick to your plan. This can be a good friend who you know will push and encourage you, or it can be a trainer motivating you, like your BODYTEC trainer. Accountability can also be in the form of payment. For many people, paying upfront for a workout or membership can be all the motivation needed to keep going because you’ve already paid a lump amount.

3)      Distraction

Distraction is incredibly powerful so include things that help make workouts better. Listen to music while you’re working out or workout with a friend and chat while doing your burpies. Distraction makes the workout seem to go by faster, or it motivates you to work harder or go further.

4)      Be efficient

It’s all fine and well to be doing these intense workouts for 2 hours 5 times a week, but any workout needs to be done properly or else you’re simply wasting your time and energy. BODYTEC’s EMS strength training offers a medically approved device that has the capacity to contract your muscles via an electrical current passed through your muscles. It is a 20 minute workout, once a week, but is incredibly efficient.

5)      Track your changes

Keeping track of your progress helps you know where you are and what more you need to in order to reach your goal. Avoid looking at it as demotivation, but rather view it as how far you’ve come and how well you’re doing.

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