
5 Relaxing Night-time Routines to Help You Sleep Better

Bedtime and routine are not just for small kids.

It may seem like something your parents set for you when you were little, but a bedtime routine is excellent for promoting ease of falling asleep and staying asleep.

A bedtime routine will help you sleep better, so try our list of relaxing night-time routines to help you sleep better.

1)      Switch off electronic devices

Smartphones, tablets, and TVs are hugely popular at the moment, and most people end up scrolling through their phones just before bed. The light emitted from these devices stimulates our brains making it harder to wind down for bed. Try switching off devices at least two hours before bed in order to help your brain start to wind down.

2)      Meditate

In a survey of 2000 individuals, 58% said they couldn’t fall asleep because of their busy mind. Another 24% similarly said it was worry, stress or anxiety keeping them up.  If you suffer from anxiety and day to day stress, meditating and/or breathing can help calm your mind before bed. This will help you fall asleep and sleep better because your mind isn’t going up and down with worry.

3)      Read

Reading an actual book (instead of on an iPad) is a relaxing way to not think about present-day things. It transports you to an alternate world and takes your mind of things that are presently worrying you.

4)      Have a relaxing drink

Avoid caffeine or sugar as this can cause your energy levels to spike and prevent you from falling asleep. Drinking a relaxing drink, like tea, however, can help you relax and wind you down for bed. The warmth allows you to relax and other drinks like warm milk can stimulate the production of oxytocin.

5)      Take a hot bath

A warm bath will help stimulate the production of oxytocin which signals to your body that its time for bed. A warm bath will also relax you which helps you to fall asleep and stay asleep. A warm shower isn’t as effective but can help if you’re not able to bath.

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